Friday, January 18, 2013

First Line Friday No. 22

Welcome to First Lines!

There aren't many authors that I'm willing to read anything from.  There are several who have written fantastic books and then written some that either I just can't get through or that don't appeal to me, or whatever the reason may be, I don't read them.

Anne Rice has written several books that don't appeal to me, but the books that I have read...I've never read anything like them.  Her writing style is very distinct, and the depths she plumbs to create these tales astonishes me.

So today I'm giving you a peek into one of the books she's written that I love.  I hope you enjoy it.

"There were omens from the beginning.

First off, I didn't want to do a job at the Mission Inn.  Anywhere in the country, I would have been willing, but not the Mission Inn.  And in the bridal suite, that very room, my room.  Bad luck and beyond, I thought to myself.

Of course my boss, The Right Man, had no way of knowing when he gave me this assignment that the Mission Inn was where I went when I didn't want to be Lucky the Fox, when I didn't want to be his assassin."

--from Angel Time by Anne Rice

Isn't that intriguing? 

1. What were the omens?
2. What is the job he has to do at the Mission Inn?
3.  Why does he always stay in a particular room?
4.  Who is The Right Man?
5.  How did this guy become an assassin? (And why the moniker Lucky the Fox?)

The story unfolds into a beautiful tale of grace, redemption, and healing.  It's mind-bending, thought-provoking and sympathetic.  I won't say any more.  I hope this piques your interest enough for you to read it, and I'd love to hear your thoughts afterwards!

See you Monday -- I'll be reviewing The Chaos Walking Trilogy by Patrick Ness (!!!).

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