Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Write Wednesday: Hold Your Horses!


Write Wednesday is a new weekly segment in which I will be posting several writerly-related things.  These weekly installments will include:

  • author/writer interviews (!)
  • writing advice
  • writing updates from me (these will be fewer and further between)
  • writing prompts (for CONTESTS)
  • discussion starters on writing topics (continued in the comments)
  • reviews of writing books/websites
  • short pieces from me with a chance for the audience to critique (!) and a PRIZE to the best one (!!)
  • links to relevant writing websites (author blogs, NaNoWriMo/Camp NaNo, etc.

What do you think of Write Wednesday?  What installment are you  most interested in seeing?

EDIT: Had to re-schedule the interview I had planned.  Next week I will be talking to Harlan Roddey, independent filmmaker, director, writer, and videographer.  Harlan can be found at Madness At The End of Time.  You should go read some of his blog entries before next week.

Also, watch some of his work on Vimeo

See you on Friday for First Lines!

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