Friday, August 20, 2010

NaNoWriMo Approacheth!

Since I am already ecstatic about National Novel Writing Month, I have been perusing the site (although it will be squeaky clean and new on October 1) and wishing for August to end so I can start brainstorming/outlining for my NaNo novel.

I'm taking a break from Violet's Monster this fall...Vol. I is in it's 7th draft (about 40% complete) and the second book is completely outlined. So at least some progress has been made. I think I'm just too tired to make good decisions about it so I'm leaving it alone for a while. Hopefully I'll pick it back up after NaNo and be able to finish the 7th draft in hopes of it being almost ready to polish for when I start querying.

NaNo is probably my favorite thing out of the year. Never mind Christmas, Halloween, or my birthday - NaNo is a MONTH-LONG writing party! So yes. I'm stoked.

I've known what I was going to write for probably six months, and it's been really difficult not to work on it. I've worked on another one-shot novel a little (book completely outlined/first few chapters written/edited/written) but I am so very, very excited about this book because...I only know the beginning.

I have the opening scene, the set up, and the inciting incident - but I have no idea where it goes from there! are the goals for the next few months:

September: Brainstorm for NaNoWriMo Novel
October: Rough Outline (completed-ish) for NaNoWriMo Novel
November: WRITE NANOWRIMO NOVEL!!! (50,000 words!)

I will write more about the novel later.

I'm also thinking I should probably get a few things published (magazine, newspaper, or online) before I start querying for Violet's Monster: Volume I. Just so they know I'm not completely starting from scratch! I've already got one story printed in a magazine, so I guess 2 or 3 more would be nice. :)